Progress update as of December 2020

We are pleased to share an update on the powerful impact of donations for the Street Girls Aid project in Ghana.  The project was slated for a Spring 2020 opening, but the COVID-19 pandemic hit Ghana hard, and they experienced many of the same challenges we have faced in the United States. 

Fortunately, work resumed over the summer (although slowly), and the facility opened for the girls this fall.  The project was completed on budget, and the building looks fantastic. For furnishings, the Rotary Club of Ojai, California came through with a grant providing Miss Vida with funding for new furniture for the girls.  The upper two levels of the building provide living accommodations for mothers and their young children. Although COVID-19 restrictions have diminished the new dormitory capacity somewhat, the allowable number of  young women and children are settled in. (see photos below)

The lower level of the building, which will be fully finished in Phase 2, provides a vocational training center.  The space is currently being used as a sewing center where the students have produced over 2500 masks for themselves and to distribute to the local community in Accra.  This multi-purpose space is also where girls train in hair-braiding, and participate in group activities including counselling, life skills, financial literacy, and vocational training.  A breadmaking business is scheduled to start up in January.  There is also a child care center for the young mothers at Street Girls Aid, allowing them peace of mind to focus on their training as they work to change their lives.

Your generosity has made all this possible.  In a recent letter, Director Miss Vida reported that the girls are in love with the new place and are thrilled to have much more space to themselves.  Previously, they shared one large room and many of them slept on the floor.  Miss Vida sends her deepest appreciation to all of the donors.  There is much hope in the air that Street Girls Aid will continue to thrive as a Centre of Excellence for young mothers in Accra.

Progress update as of August 3, 2020 - Phase One Completion

After a construction stoppage due to COVID 19, we are thrilled that construction has resumed to the Street Girls Aid facility.  We are currently projecting an August completion for Phase 1 work, which will allow the girls to occupy the new dormitory. 

Plans are being prepared for Phase 2 to create the new vocational training center in the lower level of the building. See photos of progress below, and stay tuned for future updates.  Thank you for your interest and contributions. 

Progress as of February 9, 2020

Progress as of September 2019

Ellyn and Greg Hill’s visit to Street Girls Aid